Hi friends!
After a way too long of a break, I've decided to start publishing on my blog again. Mostly because I never stopped writing on the backend of this blog, but couldn't get myself to release the most vulnerable and open parts of myself online.
Slowly, I think I'll start posting those unpublished drafts. For now, let me give you a few life updates that have happened in the last couple of years since I've been away from here because it feels like everything has changed while nothing has changed at all. Isn't that how it always is though?
- I've grown closer to the people I love. These connections deepened and more memories have been made with friends and family.
- There was a period in my life (2020) where I lived life to the fullest. I didn't work. I didn't commit to any relationships. I didn't say no to anything fun or new. It was fun, but I'm so thankful it was for a limited amount of time.
- I traveled - of course if you know me, this is the least surprising. I visited Texas, Colorado, New York, DC, Vermont, California, Hawaii, Turkey, and other places I needed to see and experience. I did fall in love with New York, everything it had to do, the fashion, and how it really never slept. It was v Aani if I do say so myself.
- I also found myself more. I learned to love parts of myself that hadn't been loved by others. I forgave myself for mistakes my younger self might have accidentally made. I prayed with love - not fear and found myself closer to religion and spirituality more than ever before. I enjoyed my own company the most and became the most independent I've been.
- I finally got qualified in Date & Love Coaching. I loved learning about relationships and when the opportunity presented itself I decided enough was enough and I wanted to help make relationships easier for everyone that wanted to. I took (and still take) on clients and help them find the truest and most fulfilling love of their lives. I teach women how to love themselves and romanticize every part of their lives. Most of all, I teach partners how to compromise, avoid conflict, and rise above their egos.
- I started a new full time role doing what I love. I'm still doing Marketing in the Technology industry. This new company is really adorable to me and I'm throughly enjoying it. There are challenges, but I think those help me grow. This is a company I've always looked up to, so I'm happy to be here. I don't have everything figured out but this much I know.
- I moved further away from Blogging/Influencing and deeper into Content Creation. I really loved taking photos but didn't think they fit with my online Influencer account. I decided I could do that (what I loved) and still make a great income doing it - so I did.
- I had my first 6 figure collaboration, then another one, and then another one. I'm so happy I never stopped negotiating with brands and always demanded to get paid for the work I was putting into content creation, influencing, and having my own brand.
It's crazy to me that I feel so good! I think the break was needed to find myself and love my live even more than before.
Sending you lots of love, and I hope you forgive me for leaving you for this long. I'm back now.
- Aani
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