12 Things I Learned This Year - Month by Month

Hello loves! Today I felt like sharing something personal with you, so I resorted to writing up 12 things I've learned this year (sorted by months). I went through a lot this year! I graduated from the University of Washington, started working a big girl job or two, worked really hard on Life of Aani, you know, all that good good stuff ;)

As January comes closer and closer, I encourage all of you to write down your goals for this coming year! The goals you set during this time are a vision of who you want yourself to be next year. I wrote down my new years resolutions, and looking back on it I'm so happy to see how many I was able to cross off! Some of my new years resolutions included: saving more money, finding a post-grad full time job I was happy with, growing Life of Aani the blog and Instagram, being a better friend, finding out more about myself, having a better diet and mindset about health in general, praying more often, taking care of my parents, having the more fun than any of the past years, not letting the past hold me back, etc.

I hope this post is a little insight into who I am and what I've learned this year, and resonates with you too :)

January - Love the person you are, but always work on improving yourself. Improve your health, your mindset, yourself spiritually and physically, etc! I love working on myself and continuously improving my life because that's how you achieve the best possible - you work on something everyday until it's your version of perfect.

February - I learned that it's okay to not have everything figured out. Things have a way of falling into place right when you're not expecting them to! However, in the mean time, it's okay to have fun, work hard, and try everything at least twice ;)

March - Be okay with spending time with yourself and make sure you can make yourself happy. If you're the person that can make you the happiest, your dependence on anyone else will lower significantly, and you'll never be disappointed. You can also only love someone as much as you love yourself, so if you love yourself to no extent the love you can give someone else will be just as great.

April - Your happiness comes before anyone else in your life. If you're not happy, you need to put yourself first. Don't let the fear of someone else getting hurt hinder your growth or joy. Do what makes you happy and that's all there is to it.

May - Choose the people you want to spend all your time with carefully. They'll either help you grow or bring you down to their level. The people who do help you grow and you're happiest around, CHERISH them!

June - It's okay to try new things. Heck, try all the new things. You never know how much you'll love something until you try it.

July - Family comes before everything. These people have always been there for you, and always will be. My family means the world to me and I can't imagine ever being loved as much as my parents and siblings (and cat!) have always loved me.

August - Keep your standards high. Don't ever lower your standards. You're happiness is important too, and what you like, want, need will always matter.

September - It's also okay to be scared. It just means whatever you're doing is brave. If something doesn't scare you just a little bit or make you as excited as you can be, is it even really worth thinking much about?

October - You never get poorer by giving. Give as much as you can. If you can't give $$$ then give in the value of time, energy, attention, or love. It'll make someone else happy and I think it'll make you pretty happy too.

November - Loving someone means opening your heat to them. This means you give them a part of yourself that you don't give to anyone else. You let them inside of your mind, life, and heart. This is a big deal and that's okay too.

December - I don't know what I've learned this month since it's just started, tbh. But I do think I've been super thankful lately. So, I'm going to say being thankful is something I've learned about this month. I think when you're thankful more good things come your way. I'm thankful about all the people who are in my life, everything and everyone that brings me so much joy on the daily, my job, my cat, my incredibly loving parents, all the material things that keep my life so easy, and most of all the contentment in my heart with where I live, what I do, and who I am. I'm thankful for everything in my life - life is SO good and I'm beyond blessed.


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